Written and Directed
by Matthew Posey

June 19-29, 2019

Don Quixote showing dismayLA MUERTE DE DON QUIXOTE written and directed by Ochre House Theater Artistic Director Matthew Posey, and in collaboration with the 2019 Dallas Flamenco Festival is a flamenco theater fantasia inspired by Miguel de Cervante’s DON QUIXOTE. LA MUERTE DE DON QUIXOTE imagines the last day of Don Quixote and explores the human condition of love, loss, success and failure in the face of his greatest giant, Death.

La Muerte de Don Quixote posterThis collaboration features the magnificent flamenco artists Antonio Arrebola (Bailaor) as Don Quixote and Delilah Buitrón Arrebola (Bailaora) as Dulcinea, as well as the incomparable flamenco musicians Alex Conde (Composer and Pianist), José Cortés Fernandéz (Cantaor) and Alfonso Cid (Cantaor and Flutist) to create a magical night of theatre and a celebration of the world’s most iconic Knight Errant in literature. As Don Quixote says in LA MUERTE DE DON QUIXOTE, “The world is a cruel place, and who shall stand up for broken families, the weak, the defenseless, and the voiceless, if not myself.”

D Magazine

“I was taken aback by the zeal and interconnectivity among both the dancers and the musicians.
Micah Flores, Columnist (Read the review…)

“Director Matthew Posey is a master at filling the stage with engaging stage pictures and in ensuring that the energy never lags. And the cast he has put together is just so damned good.”

Chris Hauge, Associate Critic (Read the review…)

TheaterJones logo

The chairs in the theater vibrate with the sound: you’d feel the movement, even if you didn’t hear the stamping pulse of the dancer.”

Martha Heimberg, Contributing Writer (Read the review…)



Antonio Arrebola (Bailaor & Don Quixote)
Delilah Buitrón Arrebola (Bailaora & Dulcinea)
Alfonso Cid (Cantaor & Flute)
Alex Conde (Piano)
José Cortés Fernandéz (Cantaor)
Elizabeth Evans (Trifaldi)
Stephanie Cleghorn Jasso (Altisidora)
Omar Padilla (Padre)
Christopher Sykes (Sancho Panza)

Creative Team

Choreography – Antonio Arrebola & Delilah Buitrón Arrebola
Additional Choreography – Juan Paredes
Original Music & Arrangements –
Alex Conde, Alfonso Cid, José Cortés Fernandéz
Set Design – Matthew Posey
Scenic Artist – Izk Davies
Costume Design – Fernando Hernandez
Lighting Design – Kevin Grammer
Prop Design & Set Engineer – Mitchell Parrack
Puppet Design – Justin Locklear
Photography – Chin McCollum & Trent Stephenson