Written and Directed by Carla Parker

April 20 – May 11, 2019

Remembering Rudy: Marti Ethridge grabs Kevin Grammer by the throatAn icon of American television, Rudolph Raeburn took the world by storm in the long-running series, “The Ghosts Of Saratoga.” After the hit show, Rudy, America’s favorite child star, fell on hard times with a string of failed movies, and a scandalous “Playgirl” spread. But what happened to the world’s most beloved child star when the curtains closed? Don’t miss this tale of intrigue, as we contemplate past transgressions and question: Do we create our ghosts or do our ghosts create us? Live original music, magical spectacle, and a superb cast of talented Ochre House actors, promises for a wonderful evening of original alternative theater.

Kevin Grammer and Chris Sykes in Remember Rudy

“As experimental and innovative as Ochre House consistently is, this is still a terribly relatable and cathartic tale of the trials of success, of art and of love…”
Brian Wilson, Columnist (Read the review…)

Danny Bonaduce logo

“RUDY is a wickedly funny show. The script is at its best when its skewering various aspects of Hollywood culture.”

Staff Writer (Read the review…)

Dallas Observer logo
“Remember Rudy is really about “the sins and misbehaviors we all face…regrets in relationships, careers, money and the memories that surface in guilt.”

Monica Smart, Theater (Read the preview)



Kevin Grammer – Rudolph Raeburn
Ben Bryant – Father
Marti Etheridge – Mother
Monét Lerner – Big Sister Sarah
Chris Sykes – Jake
Lyle Hathaway – Guitar
Thiago Nascimento – Keyboard
Sarah Rubio-Rogerson – Cello
Trey Pendergrass – Percussion

Creative Team

Stage Management – Korey Parker
Music Direction – Justin Locklear
Set Design – Matthew Posey
Scenic Artist – Izk Davies
Costume Design – Ryan Matthieu Smith
Lighting Design – Kevin Grammer
Set Engineer – Mitchell Parrack