JC, Amaté

Written/directed by Carla Parker

February 8 to 25, 2023

For the second event of the Ochre 2022-23 season, we present a curious and surreal comedy written and directed by Carla Parker, JC, Amaté. A lonely man bends time and space as he fashions beautiful origami animals. Step into his private world of mayhem and wonder. Can he control what he creates? “Hey, who’s in charge here?!”

A familiar all-star Ochre House cast features Cassie Bann, Elizabeth Evans, Monét Lerner, Justin Locklear, Omar Padilla, Sarah Rogerson, and Chris Sykes.

JC, Amate cast

Onstage NTX Performing Arts News & Reviews

“(Writer/Director Carla) Parker likes to take on big questions, and her conceptually satisfying and funny first half and clever finale make JC, Amaté worth seeing.”
By Martha Heimberg (Read the review…)

Omar Padilla in JC, Amate


Performing Artists

JC – Omar Padilla
Mary Kari – Cassie Bann
Mari Kalai – Elizabeth Evans
Merry Keturah- Monét Lerner
Merry Keturah (Feb 15-18) – Lauren Massey
Didymus Boxer – Chris Sykes


Lysander – Justin Locklear (keyboard, guitar)
Lillimehd – Sarah Rogerson (cello, violin, bass)


Director/Playwright/Lyrics – Carla Parker
Music Director/Composer – Justin Locklear
Assistant Music Director – Trey Pendergrass
Choreography & Understudy – Lauren Massey
Set Design – Matthew Posey
Scenic Artist – Izk Davies
Lighting Design – Kevin Grammer
Video & Sound Design – Josh Castellano, Korey Parker
Costume Design – Company
Seamstress – Elizabeth Loyle Carr
Poster/Graphics – Jeremy Word
Photography – Justin Locklear
Production Photography – Chinem McCollum
Stage Management – Elizabeth Loyle Carr
House Management – Cynthia Webb
House Assistant – Brian Witkowicz